I was going to title this Songs for days when nothing works, then I went for my run, had a great session and realized I only have 81 days to my turning 26 crisis solving half-marathon. And actually only 80 days until I turn 26.
I did, indeed, started training for it officially or at least, I started the training plan I will be following. I started running with the nike running website training plans a couple of years ago with the 5k beginners and after a year break from running I went back in September to the 10k intermediate 1 and now I have upgraded to the half-marathon intermediate 2. It surely could be better, but I'm very pleased with my progress. By the way, I seem not to be able to stop listening to this song:
As I was saying or at least you could guess from the original title for this entry, I had a very unproductive and frustrating day work-wise as I could not make my program work and I seem unable to detect what was going wrong with it. But my running, on the treadmill though, changed my mood. For my first day, the training plan had prepared some intervals(this plan is described as a plan that concentrates on quality work and speed work for those trying to improve their times). 4x800m and 4x200m in particular and a total of around 10km running. It happens that whenever I am introducing something relatively new in my training I experience during the previous hours or even days some mild anxiety. It's like going from school to high school or from high school to uni but in a scaled down version. It happened to me the first time I run 10 miles, I was somewhat nervous about not finishing(I had actually aborted a 9miles run the previous week). It didn't happen the time I run a half-marathon in the treadmill but that's just because it was not planned and it actually happened the week after that when I went for a planned 22km long run. Hence it's not really odd that it happened yesterday again. I mean, I've run 10km before, and in fact that its becoming a somewhat short run these days and I always finish it feeling I need at least a couple of kilometers more. It was the intervals that were making me nervous, my former training plan had them, but since November I was a bit sloppy and dropped them and concentrated only on logging miles(truth be told, I've been running at a high pace the whole time so I've been doing sloppy permanent Fartlek or at least pushing my heart a lot). As I was saying, intervals were making me nervous so I decided to err on the side of caution because I wanted to be able to finish all of them, not just run a very fast one and not be able to even run the whole 10km(I dropped them last time because I had a horrible session where I could only run two intervals and was destroyed after that and I kind of chickened out a bit). I did so and had a lovely session with, I think good paces. My cadence was shit though.

Note: This has been waiting to be finished for more than a week, but now that I read it, I think there's nothing more too add, so, I'll just publish it as it is.
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