Sunday, December 25, 2011

I have this stupid thing with some songs...

I just cannot stop listening to them for some time, just play it again and again...

A friend showed me this one like two months ago, I listened to it for like a couple of days, but this blog was in some kind of limbo at the time, so I could not post it. Today, I saw it again because someone posted it on facebook... and I've been clicking replay since then.

On the other hand, I've survived my third massive family meal in less than 12 hours(I'll write about my family traditional two dinners in a row in Christmas eve in other post). That was somewhat eased by my 8 miles run yesterday and my 10km today. Turns out that wind can make a run on a flat surface much harder than running on hills. I must be turning into a masochist because I did enjoy every step of it. And I've spent a very nice evening working with my father and my brother on a Bachar ladder to play with in the garage and now my arms are tired and my ego has been deleted as I'm unable to go up without using my legs... :s

I love my Bachar ladder! It's really fun! :) Although the best part was working hand in hand with my brother and my father, we don't get to do that very often anymore :).

Also, given the stupidly depressing nature of the lyrics of that song, I need to compensate with something for this to remain a neutral post:


And this one is just because I saw it on the sidebar on youtube and I like this song.

This is more a collection of scattered thoughts than a proper post. I guess my future me will just be able to get a glimpse of what was going through my mind now that I'm writing and will possibly have no clue what I really meant with this. Current me thinks that he does not mean much, he likes those songs and he enjoyed building the Bachar ladder.

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