Monday, January 02, 2012

I'm going to be my own Pavlov's dog...

Pavlov's dog or classical conditioning is something I've read/heard of plenty of times(although I have not read the wikipedia entry I link to). Also, it's somewhat what I've realized I've been experiencing lately when I am somewhere and one of the FOUR songs they have always on at the gym starts playing. I just feel like I need to move, I need/want to start exercising. It works surprisingly effectively and I have not even been to the gym that many times. So I, in my infinite wisdom, have decided to try something similar to what Sheldon tries with Penny in the following clip:

But on myself. Just to see what happens. I, again in my infinite wisdom, think that instead of using chocolates I'll go for the cheapest and always available option of inflicting a bit of pain. Possibly the result of negative feedback for conditioning it's described in the wikipedia entry but it will be more fun to see whether it works or not. I'm also not sure that self-conditioning will work, but yet again, I'll just have to try.

What kind of pain? Well, first thing that I thought of was extreme pain as in that produced by hitting my infinitely sensitive to pain testicles. I'm just NOT going to do it. So I'll go for something less stupid like pinching myself or something similar. After all, I just want to test whether I can slightly modify my own behaviour indirectly or induce an indirect repetitive response to something, not get injured or loose my reproductive abilities.

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