After some consideration, maybe too much, I've decided that I'm going to run half-marathons and shorter races this year(I already spoke of the half-marathon as my distance in the previous post). Maybe not even run that many races, but train for such short distances. I started last year with a beginners plan for a 5k, then run a 10k charity run and then stopped due to my own stupidity and in-adaptation to cold weather . I started running again back in September, being optimistic and pushy, I took the intermediate 10km race plan as mine and I've been following it regularly(more or less) although ignoring most of the quality training. I must say, I'm tremendously pleased with the results, I've gone from suffering for finishing 8km in one hour to covering over 20km in a bit more than two hours. But as I said in the first post, this is just the beginning.
The main reason behind my decision is that I think, I may be totally wrong though, that I should take advantage of my age, I'm only 25 after all, and train for faster times. I will have time to go far as I age. Or that's my plan.
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